Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims 2021-Important Questions on Indian Polity for UPSC

Indian Polity Test Series UPSC : Indian Polity GK Questions & Answers Set 13

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims 2021-Important Questions on Indian Polity for UPSC

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC 

Hello, aspirants are you preparing for UPSC/APSC or any other Govt Exams 2021? If yes, then you must be aware of the most important Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims 2021 for the upcoming exam preparation. Therefore every aspirants need to know the important questions on Indian Polity for UPSC & APSC and other govt exams. In this regard “World_Polity” decides to provide you the most important Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC & Indian Polity Test Series in different sets for the upcoming UPSC IAS Prelims. Infact the Indian Polity GK questions and answers will be a key topic in the Indian Polity section for the upcoming exams. So the Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC 2021 will be a pedestrian to crack your exam.

Indian Polity Quiz for IAS Prelims 

In this article we have provided you Indian Polity Quiz for IAS Prelims. So, read all these important Indian Polity Quiz for the upcoming UPSC Prelims & Mains exam as well as other govt exams. These Indian Polity Questions and Answers are extremely important and should be a part of your preparation.

GK Questions & Answers on Indian Polity 

In order to succeed in the prestigious competitive examination, it is important that the aspirant has access to the all the Indian Polity GK questions & Answers. Specially the toppers of UPSC recommend that aspirant start their preparation with the most important topics of syllabus such as Indian Polity for the upcoming exams.

Indian Polity Test Series UPSC : GK Quiz on Indian Polity 

In this sets of Indian Polity Test Series there are two very important GK Quiz on Indian Polity. They are : 

1. The Comptroller and Auditor General acts as the………….. 

Ans : Guardian of Public Finances

2. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by………….. 

Ans : President 

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims 2021

Here are total 30 GK Quiz on Indian Polity for UPSC IAS Prelims 2021. Read all these important Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC in order to answer the questions :

211. ‘Appeal by Special Leave’ means —– 

Ans : Supreme Court, granting in its discretion special permission to appeal from any judgment passed by any Court

212. It became imperative for the framers of the Indian Constitution to adopt the doctrine of Judicial Review because of –

Ans : Adoption of Federal system of Government

213. Which Amendment curtailed the Supreme Court/High Court’s power of Judicial Review?

Ans : 42nd

214. The concept of ‘Judicial Activism’ gained currency in India in? 

Ans : 1990s

215. Judicial Activism has led to increase in the powers of……………. 

Ans : Judiciary

216. The concept of Judicial Review is borrowed from the Constitution of………….. 

Ans : USA

217. In India, power of Judicial Review is restricted because –

Ans : Constitution is supreme

218. While imparting justice, the Supreme Court relies on the principle of — 

Ans : Procedure established by law

219. On which List does the Union Government enjoy exclusive powers?

Ans : Union List

220. On which List do the States enjoy exclusive jurisdiction?

Ans : State List

221. The subjects of National Importance were enumerated under…………… 

Ans : Union List

222. Subjects like Defence and External Affairs are enumerated under –

Ans : List I

223. Subjects of Local Importance were enumerated under –

Ans : List II

224. The Constitution of India vests the Residuary powers in –

Ans : Union Government

225. Under the Constitution, Residuary Powers vested with the –

Ans : Union Government

226. In case of conflict between the Central and State laws on a subject in Concurrent List 

Ans : Law of the Center prevails

227. The concept of Concurrent List is borrowed from the Constitution of –

Ans : Australia

228. Which among the following subject is transferred from State List to Concurrent List by 42nd Constitutional Amendment?

Ans : Education

229. A Law passed by the State Legislature on a Concurrent list gets precedence over the Central Law if –

Ans : It was approved for the President

230. Water disputes between the States shall be decided by –

Ans : A Body appointed by Parliament

231. A tax shall not be levied or collected except by the authority of the –

Ans : Law

232. The main purpose to impose taxes is to –

Ans : Run the machinery of State

233. The Provisions regarding division of taxes between Union and State can be suspended –

Ans : During National Emergency

234. The procedure for amendment of the Indian Constitution is –

Ans : partly rigid and flexible

235. The Amendment procedure of the Constitution of India has been modeled on the Constitutional pattern of –

Ans : South Africa

236. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with the amendment procedure?

Ans : Article 368

237. Which was the lengthiest Amendment to the Constitution?

Ans : 42nd

238. Which Amendment affirmed the right of the Lok Sabha to amend any part of the Constitution?

Ans : 24th

239. The 24th Amendment became necessary as a result of the Supreme Court judgment in –

Ans : Golak Nath Case

240. After a Bill is passed by the Parliament it is sent to the President for his assent, who can return it for reconsideration to Lok Sabha. But if the Bill is re-passed and sent to the President for his assent, he –

Ans : has to sign it

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims Set 11

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims Set 12

Indian Polity Quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims Set 14

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