G20 GK Quiz for APSC : GK Questions and Answers on G20 for Competitive Exams

Group of Twenty – G20 Introduction : G20 Related Important GK Questions

Hello, aspirants are you preparing for UPSC, APSC prelims exams? If yes, then you must be aware of the most important GK questions and answers for upcoming competitive exam preparation. Therefore every aspirants need to know the GK Questions and Answers on G20 for competitive exams. In this regard “World_Polity” decides to provide you the most important global economy GK MCQs for the upcoming all India level competitive exams. Infact the GK MCQ on G20 will be a key topic in the World GK section for the upcoming competitive exams.

G20 GK Quiz for APSC : GK Questions and Answers on G20 for Competitive Exams

Most Important Questions Related to G20

Global Economy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for APSC

In this article we have provided you multiple choice questions & answers on global Economy for APSC. So, read all these important G20 GK for UPSC & APSC Prelims exam. These G20 related GK Multiple Choice Questions and Answers are extremely important and should be a part of your preparation.

G20 GK MCQs for UPSC Prelims Exam

The G20 is a major player on the global stage, and its decisions have a significant impact on the global economy and society. It is important to stay informed about the G20 and its activities, and this G20 Related GK Questions and G20 GK Quiz is designed to help you do just that. The quiz covers a wide range of topics related to the G20, including its history, structure, functions, and key priorities.

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Group of Twenty – G20 Introduction

G-20 was founded in 1999 with the aim to discuss policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. India is the founding member of the G-20. The G20 is made up of 19 countries, the European Union, and the African Union. The G20 is a platform for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss international economic and financial issues. 

The members of the G-20 are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the U.K. and the U.S., as well as the European Union, represented by the rotating council presidency and the European Central Bank.

India holds the Presidency of the G20 from 1st December 2022 to 30th November 2023, with its presidency’s theme being “One Earth, One Family, One Future'”. The next G20 summit is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in November 2024, with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva taking over the presidency. 

For India, the G20 Presidency also marks the beginning of “Amritkaal”, which is the 25-year period beginning from the 75th anniversary of its independence on 15 August 2022. The 18th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will take place on 9th-10th September 2023 in New Delhi. The Summit will be a culmination of all the G20 processes and meetings held throughout the year among ministers, senior officials, and civil societies.

It is important to stay informed about the G20 and its activities, and this G20 Related GK Questions and G20 GK Quiz is designed to help you do just that. The quiz covers a wide range of topics related to the G20, including its history, structure, functions, and key priorities. 

G20 GK Quiz for APSC : GK Questions and Answers on G20 for Competitive Exams

Here are the most important G20 GK Questions and Answers for APSC Prelims exam. Check this G20 GK MCQ for Competitive Exams in order to answer the questions :

Q1. What is the G20 Summit

  1. A meeting of the world’s 20 largest economies
  2. A global sports event
  3. An international cultural festival
  4. A gathering of 20 prominent scientists

Answer: a) A meeting of the world’s 20 largest economies

Q2. When and where was the G20 Summit held in 2023?

  1. November 2023, Paris, France
  2. June 2023, New York, USA
  3. September 2023, Tokyo, Japan
  4. August 2023, Moscow, Russia

Answer: a) November 2023, Paris, France

Q3. Which country hosted the G20 Summit in 2023?

  1. Germany
  2. India
  3. France
  4. China

Answer: c) France

Q4. How often is the G20 Summit held?

  1. Annually
  2. Every two years
  3. Every five years
  4. Whenever deemed necessary

Answer: a) Annually

Q5. What is the primary focus of the G20 Summit?

  1. Economic cooperation and financial stability
  2. Environmental conservation
  3. Space exploration
  4. Human rights advocacy

Answer: a) Economic cooperation and financial stability

Q6. Which of the following is NOT a G20 member country?

  1. Brazil
  2. South Korea
  3. Nigeria
  4. Spain

Answer: d) Spain

Q7. Who typically represents the United States at the G20 Summit?

  1. The Vice President
  2. The Secretary of State
  3. The President
  4. The Ambassador to the UN

Answer: c) The President

Q8. What is the G20’s role in addressing global financial issues?

  1. Setting global interest rates
  2. Providing financial aid to developing countries
  3. Promoting economic stability and sustainable growth
  4. Regulating international trade

Answer: c) Promoting economic stability and sustainable growth

Q9. Which G20 committee focuses on environmental issues and sustainable development?

  1. Energy and Climate Committee
  2. Finance Committee
  3. Agriculture Committee
  4. Trade and Industry Committee

Answer: a) Energy and Climate Committee

Q10. What is the primary goal of the G20’s Finance Track?

  1. Eliminating all international trade barriers
  2. Ensuring global financial institutions’ profits
  3. Promoting global economic stability through policy coordination
  4. Reducing taxes on international corporations

Answer: c) Promoting global economic stability through policy coordination

Q11. What is the G20’s stance on free trade?

  1. Strongly opposes free trade
  2. Advocates for protectionist policies
  3. Supports free and open trade
  4. Is indifferent to trade issues

Answer: c) Supports free and open trade

Q12. Which G20 member is known for its “Belt and Road Initiative”?

  1. India
  2. Russia
  3. China
  4. South Africa

Answer: c) China

Q13. What is the primary function of the G20 Development Working Group?

  1. Promoting military alliances
  2. Focusing on global health issues
  3. Addressing economic and social development challenges
  4. Encouraging space exploration

Answer: c) Addressing economic and social development challenges

Q14. What is the G20’s stance on climate change and the Paris Agreement?

  1. Strongly opposes the Paris Agreement
  2. Has no official stance on climate change
  3. Supports the Paris Agreement and climate action
  4. Advocates for increased greenhouse gas emissions

Answer: c) Supports the Paris Agreement and climate action

Q15. What does the term “G20” stand for?

  1. Group of 20 Nations
  2. Global 20 Summit
  3. Grand 20 Assembly
  4. Grouping of 20 Countries

Answer: a) Group of 20 Nations

Q16. Which G20 member is known for its contributions to the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases in Africa?

  1. Germany
  2. Canada
  3. Japan
  4. The United States

Answer: d) The United States

Q17. What is the primary mission of the G20’s Health Working Group?

  1. Advancing global healthcare through vaccination programs
  2. Promoting international healthcare tourism
  3. Focusing on healthcare infrastructure development
  4. Addressing global health challenges

Answer: d) Addressing global health challenges

Q18. Which country is hosting the next G20 Summit in 2024?

  1. Brazil
  2. South Korea
  3. Australia
  4. Saudi Arabia

Answer: c) Australia

Q19. What is the primary goal of the G20’s Trade and Industry Committee?

  1. Promoting trade protectionism
  2. Encouraging international trade conflicts
  3. Enhancing global trade cooperation and development
  4. Ignoring trade-related issues

Answer: c) Enhancing global trade cooperation and development

Q20. What are the main topics discussed at the G20 Summit 2023 in Paris?

  1. Economy, trade, and sustainable development
  2. Literature and arts
  3. Military alliances and conflicts
  4. Celebrities and entertainment

 a) Economy, trade, and sustainable development

Q21. How many member countries are there in the G20?

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 25

Answer: c) 20

Q22. Which of the following is NOT a G20 member from the African continent?

  1. South Africa
  2. Nigeria
  3. Egypt
  4. Argentina

Answer: d) Argentina

Q23. What is the primary focus of the G20 Digital Economy Task Force?

  1. Regulating social media platforms
  2. Advancing digital innovation and inclusion
  3. Promoting cybersecurity warfare
  4. Ignoring digital issues

Answer: b) Advancing digital innovation and inclusion

Q24. Which international organization often collaborates with the G20 on global economic issues?

  1. United Nations
  2. World Health Organization
  3. FIFA
  4. World Trade Organization

Answer: a) United Nations

Q25. What is the G20’s stance on the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine distribution?

  1. Opposes vaccine distribution
  2. Supports equitable vaccine access and global pandemic response
  3. Advocates vaccine hoarding
  4. Ignores the pandemic

Answer: b) Supports equitable vaccine access and global pandemic response

Q26. Which G20 member is known for its leadership in renewable energy and clean technology?

  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. India
  4. France

Answer: d) France

Q27. What is the primary purpose of the G20’s Anti-Corruption Working Group?

  1. Promoting corrupt practices
  2. Combating corruption through international cooperation
  3. Ignoring corruption issues
  4. Advocating for legalized bribery

Answer: b) Combating corruption through international cooperation

Q28. Which G20 member is known for its strong emphasis on agricultural sustainability and food security?

  1. Italy
  2. Brazil
  3. Mexico
  4. Japan

Answer: b) Brazil

Q29. What is the role of the G20’s Labor and Employment Working Group?

  1. Promoting child labor
  2. Addressing global labor issues and employment challenges
  3. Ignoring labor rights
  4. Advocating for low wages

Answer: b) Addressing global labor issues and employment challenges

Q30. In what year was the first G20 Summit held?

  1. 1999
  2. 2005
  3. 2008
  4. 2010

Answer: b) 2005

Q31. Which G20 member nation is responsible for hosting the G20 Summit in 2025?

  1. Japan
  2. Brazil
  3. South Korea
  4. Australia

Answer: b) Brazil

Q32. What is the primary focus of the G20’s Women’s Empowerment Working Group?

  1. Advocating for gender inequality
  2. Promoting women’s rights and economic participation
  3. Ignoring women’s issues
  4. Opposing women’s empowerment

Answer: b) Promoting women’s rights and economic participation

Q33. Which G20 member is renowned for its commitment to space exploration and research?

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Canada
  3. Russia
  4. China

Answer: d) China

Q34. What is the G20’s stance on international trade disputes and tariffs?

  1. Supports increased trade disputes
  2. Opposes tariffs and advocates for trade cooperation
  3. Advocates for unilateral trade policies
  4. Is indifferent to trade issues

Answer: b) Opposes tariffs and advocates for trade cooperation

Q35. Which G20 committee is responsible for addressing global energy issues and resource sustainability?

  1. Energy and Climate Committee
  2. Finance Committee
  3. Agriculture Committee
  4. Trade and Industry Committee

Answer: a) Energy and Climate Committee

G20 GK Questions and Answers

We hope that the given G20 GK for upcoming exams is very helpful and useful at the time of preparation. To get more GK Questions & Answers on global economy, visit our site www.worldpolity.com

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