International Politics: Meaning, Nature, Importance and Stages of Development

Introduction of International Politics 

         International Politics has emerged as a crucial discipline in 20th century . Usually it’s considered associated with interactive political behavior of the states in the world. 

In recent time, all the relevant dimensions of International Politics has emerged as an important discipline which has created a complex and dynamic system among the nations.   
Infact international politics covers the interaction of state policies within the changing pattern of power relationship. It can be defined as the discipline concerned with the study of politics or the relation among nations. This relation involved the use of power. 

        International Politics can be understood only in terms of conflict, particularly the conflict which are for the attainment of power by the states, which is only political phenonmenon. 

So it’s become truly global in nature and scope, because the world stands politically organized in nearly 2 hundred nation states at the start of the second decade of the 21st century. 

Definitions of International Politics — 

•  H.J. Morgenthau in his view regarding international politics, “International Politics include analysis of political relations and problems of peace among nations.”

• Charles Schleicher held that “All inter-state relations are included in international politics, through all the inter-state relations are not political.”

Nature/Characterstics/Features —

(1) Nations as Primary Actors of International Relations:

        Politics is a process of interactions among the various groups of society and International Politics is primarily a sole process of interactions among nations. 

In this field the nations-states are the key actors followed by several non-state, transnational and supra-national groups of society who plays a crucial part in diplomacy . 
The primacy, however, belongs to nation-states because these still control all the instruments of coercion and violence in diplomacy . National Power is the guardian of every nation-state.


(2) National Interest as the Objective:

       National interest is the main objective that every nation attempts to secure the relations with other nations. In this regard international politics preserve or secure the goals of national interests by using control over other nations. It is the method by which each nation tries to safeguard and secure its interests in conditions of conflict with other nations. 

(3) Conflict as the condition of International Politics:

         The national interests of different nations are neither fully compatible nor fully incompatible. The incompatibility of national interests of varied nations may be a source of conflict at the international level which finds concrete manifestation within the sort of disputes. 

Infact by the use of accommodation, adjustment, and reconciliation, it can result to set up cooperation among the nations of the world. As well as the scenario of conflict and cooperation which by far dependent on coercion and persuasion are always present in diplomacy. So for that the study of international politics always involves a study of conflict and conflict-resolution among the nations of the world.


(4) Power as the Means: 

         The conflicts when arises between the nations, each nation tries to secure the goals of its national interest. The sole meaning of securing these goals is power only. That is why each nation is continuously engaged within the process of acquiring, maintaining, increasing and using power. The facility that backs a nation’s plan to secure its national interest is named National Power.  


(5) Power the means and an end in International Politics:

        In International Politics, power is called as means as well as an end. The nations are using the power for securing their goals towards national interests. In recent times, power plays an important role in the context of national interest. Therefore the nations always tried to maintain and to increase their national power.

(6)  A Process of Conflict-Resolution among Nations:

       Conflict is the foremost important element of International Politics because in the absence of conflict of interests, power can have little function to perform. Conflict is the very basis of diplomacy . It is the basis of both disputes and cooperation among nations. Conflict of interests become a reality of diplomacy . 

(7) International Politics involves continuous interactions among Nations:

        Since the national interests of varied nations are in conflict with each other , conflict can’t be completely eliminated from international society. However, at an equivalent time, conflict must be resolved because unresolved confect can cause war. This necessitates continuous attempts on the a part of nations to regulate their relations with each other . Nations attempt to achieve this by means of their power and resources. They’re therefore continuously engaged within the process of interactions. This makes international politics a unbroken phenomenon of interactions. 

Relevance/Importance of the Study of International Politics–

1. It increase the knowledge of individual

2. IP enables to understand world Problems

3. It helpful to maintain World Peace and Harmony

4. It enables us to understand the behaviour of Nations

5. It create harmony between Nationalism and Internationalism

6. It is helpful in building the world based on justice

Stages of Development of International Politics:-

       The development of international politics can be discussed in the following stages-

* First Stage–

      The origin of international politics is traced back to the begining of 20th centuary. In that period the scholars tried to examine why the states behave in a particular manner which always leads to war or peace. 

Therefore the scholars in this regard tried to acquire a systematic knowledge about the behaviour of the states. Infact the study related to international politics was mainly historical and descriptive.

* 2nd Stage–

          Just after the end of 1st world war the 2nd stage in the development of international politics started. The scholars laid emphasis on the study current events and highlighted their significance. However they did not pay any attention to the methodology and future of international relation. 

Inshort during the period the scholars concentrated mainly on the study of current events and completely neglected the historical aspects.

* 3rd Stage–

        In between the 1st and 2nd world war with the formation of international organization and various international law the 3rd stage of the development of international politics started. Then internationally there is a highly growing demand to share the goals, visions and values towards which international community should move.

* 4th Stage–

         After the end of 2nd world war the 4th stage in the development of international politics started. At this stage the Scholars have discussed the idea how to set up a peaceful world order and to start a realistic world politics. 

A number of scholars like Morgenthou, George Canon, G Schwarzenburger devoted themselves to the investigation of elemental facts of activity of state.

* 5th Stage–

        The nature of international politics underwent a change in post 2nd world war period. In this period the emergence of large number of newly sovereign states and the formation of two super power blocs and the third bloc NAM contributed in this regard.

Present Stage–

       In the 21st century when the study of international politics has gone through many changes, therefore now the main emphasis is laid on the study of substentive issues of international politics. The scholars are trying to study the relevant and current problem of international politics with the help of sophisticated method and tools of study.

       Hence now the scope of international politics not only concern with the study of the relation among the nations but also examine the process of environmental doctrines which influenced their international activity in every step. On a serious note the scope of Internation Politics has growing day by day for which its it now concentrating on the struggle of various instruments of the world for the promotion  and the establishment of world peace.

* Must Read : Scope and importance of Political Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

1. Who wrote the international politics?

Ans : Kenneth Waltz

2. Who is father of international politics?

Ans : Hans Morgenthau

3. Who invented realism theory?

Ans: Hans J. Morgenthau

4. What jobs can I get with international relations?

Ans : The possible Job Titles —


CIA Agent.




Foreign Affairs Analyst.

Foreign Affairs Specialist.

Foreign Service  Officer.

                                                           _Thank You_
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